Saturday, December 4, 2010

Getting Things Done, Sun 3 Style

We’ve been staying real busy on the trails at Rock Hollow this week. Ooohhh yeeeahhh! The ten of us have continued roughin’ it through the woods, clearing and constructing the interconnecting trail through the park in St. Louis County.

Our fearless forest park leader, the legendary John Stanger has been keeping us all pointed in the right direction. This guy is seriously the bomb, lemme tell ya. He helps guide us through the hollow and teaches us correct trail building skills, concepts and tactics. We even got our first taste of chainsaw experience today! We learned proper chainsaw maintenance and got some direct hands-on experience wielding that blade of terror. Not really…safety first baby. Occasionally we work along side members of a local mountain bike club called GORC (Gateway Off-road Cyclists) to complete various tasks that directly relate to their organization. Some of our local sponsors from St. Louis County Parks came also came out to the work site yesterday to thank us for all our work and admire the things we’ve accomplished at Rock Hollow. We interact with so many genuine outdoor enthusiasts. Amazing!

Team unity is great. Days are spent working our butts off on the trail for about 8 hours, then we head to the local community center to complete our individual responsibilities which include media outreach, service learning initiatives, community outreach, program promotion, project budgeting and scheduling. We get time to do our laundry, use the internet and work out in the gym. We usually make it home pretty late but we always have time to cook bodacious food.

We’re having a blast in St Louis. We adore our sponsors and we love the trail. We’re staying healthy, having fun, and getting things done! Yeah boy.

12/2/10 - Chrisser

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