Monday, May 30, 2011

First Week, Comin' Round the Mountain, and Slidin' into Fourth Round

Heyo, made it back to Arizona safe! That’s right – original fire management team is back together. We made it back to Crown King, AZ to start right back up where we left off with fire mitigation work. Let’s hear how we made it back:

Transition week back in Denver was great. Got to play with all my friends, ate awesome campus food (nope), slept in a bed (whoa), played guitar, played trivia, went to a ROCKIES game, went to an improv show for Angie (look it up online), said goodbyes, and hit the road…

The team went to Great Sand Dunes National Park for the first day of the road trip back to AZ, then went to Petrified Forest National Park the second day. Arrived in Crown King, Arizona to the familiar team house, saloon, general store, fire department… smells like home.

Work is a little different now that it's summer time. The project goal remains the same – reduce hazardous fire fuels around the town but this time there’s no burning! What the heck right? Na, it’s not so bad we just use a cool wood chipper instead. And…our EMS first responder training is now officially in action as we are ON CALL everyday of the work week (our weekends are Wednesdays and Thursdays). Let’s not hope for a medical call, but what an experience!

We were off work our first two days here so I had some time to hang in town. What to do? See the elementary school performance of course. Yes – all the kids did an hour long dance performance for the town. All the kids = two stunning young girls age five and thirteen. Had a blast! Two little rockstars.
What a place to spend the summer and our last round. We're all loving it and looking forward to playing it up with the townspeople and all the flat-lander visitors. Pool, karaoke, and BBQs. Can't wait to see how it all shapes up!


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